Monday 4 June 2012


By now the world already knows about the tragic event that befell Nigeria yesterday afternoon. I, like most other people heard about the DANA plane crash in Lagos through the numerous BB staus messages. For a second I didnt want to believe it and I thought it was another mix up with the aircraft that crashed in Ghana a few days before. However my fears were confirmed when everyone's status seemed to convey the same message.

I quickly changed the channel from comedy central to the local channels and there I saw the caption flashing on the bottom of the screen. SAD DAY, GOD REST THEIR SOULS. Thats all I could do and say. Sad but I knew no one on that flight personally so it didnt hit home in ways that others felt it. A few minutes later, Architect Mike comes into the house and sees mumsie. She starts wailing, I'm confused now, have we lost someone close? I ask the butler whats wrong and he says that Aikhomu's son was on the same flight and he was probably dead. A cold chill, anger, sadness. His father, a good friend of my father passed away not long ago and now the first son has gone?

I pace around the house trying to take everything in, waiting for my dad to come back with more news....... emotions fading away now, I didnt know him like that, DAMN DANA AIRLINES...... At this point in time more gist about number dead, friends who lost friends and I am more angry and cursing at whoever is to blame. Back to fondling my blackberry, resolved to being a spectator.

Few hours later, there is a list of those who were on the ill fated flight from Abuja to Lagos floating around in the interweb and I get a copy posted to me. I decide to open it and look through the names after all I dont know anyone on it, if I did I would have been notified by now. So I thought anyway. Slowly go through the list of names and to my relief there is no name thats familiar to me... Thank GOD, but may the souls of all the departed be granted eternal peace.

Time now is about 12am monday morning and I get a message from my mum asking if I know if Adamu's name was on the list. I didnt reply cos I went back to sleep and I didnt know who she was refering to.
Woke up this morning and get to the office, sit at my desk and I'm ready for the days gist about the events that happened on sunday. I'm alone in the office very early and my bb alert sounds. Maybe more broadcasts. Alas it wasnt. It was a picture put up by my brother in the family group. And the caption read RIP ADO.

Which Ado is this? I look at the picture and its Ado, or Adamu (the one mum was asking about). Cant be the same one I know.... I was just with him in Vanilla on friday. Secondly, I didnt see his name on that list so how can he be......... U know what, I'll just check again. Grabbing my phone frantically, I go back to that list and go through each name carefully. There it is.....Adamu Bamaiyi..... my brother.... my friend. I didnt see your name earlier.... maybe I chose not to.

SADNESS, ANGER, PAIN, HATRED....... DAMN YOU DANA AIR. MANAGEMENT AND EVERYONE RESPONSIBLE. These felings are genuine this time..... It hits home and very hard. A tear rolls down my cheek as I read his name over and over. It becomes more as I remember the times we've sat and gisted, how he advised me when I needed someone to talk to. How he advised me when i needed to make my career decisions, how he talked me out of running back to jand when i had no job and everything looked so bleek. I remember vividly how so calm and nice this dude was, positive outlook on life. I remember how we celebrated when I told him I got a job and how we celebrated wen he said he too got the CBN gig.  As usual he gave me some reassuring words before we parted and I said to myself one day I'll show my appreiation.. hmmmm I guess he'll never get to know how much i appreciate him for everything.....

You have been a friend and a big brother to me, and I really can't say anything other than I pray that you end up in a better place. It is sad that you are no longer with us, you did not deserve to go in the way you did, no one does, but brother my prayers are with you and your family. I'm trying not to breakdown here in the office as I write this so I'm gonna stop here.

The world has lost an all round good dude.